Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The Republic Of Colombia Essay -- essays research papers
The Republic of Colombia is the fourth largest ground in southernmostAmerica. It is primed(p)at the newton-western tip of the continent. Its neighbors argon Brazil andVenezuela to the east, goama to the north-west, and Ecuador and Peru to the south. Colombiais the wholly southeastAmerican country thats coast is on the Pacific sea and the CaribbeanSea. on that point are eightislands under Colombian rule, and they are San Andres, Providencia, SanBernado, Islas delRosario, Isla Fuerte, Gorgona, Gorgonilla, and Malpelo.Colombias terrain is most 45% handous. The major mountain scopeis theAndes, which is the persistentest and second toweringest mountain chain in theworld. The are trinemountain grades in Colombia that formulate the Andes. These are known asCordilleras, whichmeans range. The Cordillera Occidental is 680 miles long and is just about6,500 ft. high. Thisrange is on the western area that stretches from the equator to theCaribbean Sea. TheCordillera Oriental is t he longest range, at 750 miles long, and 8,530ft. high and it cuts fromnorthern Colombia to southern Colombia. The Cordillera Central islocated in the come to ofthe country and is 689 miles long and 10,827 ft. high making it thehighest cordillera. Thehighest mountain point in Colombia is the sierra Nevada at 19,055 ft.high. There are lots ofvolcanoes in Colombia. The Cumbal is 17,500 ft. high, the Chiles is16,900 ft. high, thePurace is 17,060 ft. high, and the Pan de Azucar is 16,840 ft. high.The easterly region of Colombia is a grassy lowland. 1/6 of Colombia is unoccupied glacierland, and 1/5 is high plateau.Colombia has many rivers. The most important river is the Magdalenawhich is 965miles long and flows north to the Caribbean Sea. Others are the Meta,the Amazon, theGuaviare, and the Putamayo. There arent many lakes in Colombia. Thelargest lake inColombia is Lake Cocha and is non really important. If it wasnt for the Andes mountain location, Colombia would have anextremely hi gh mode since it is arise the equator. However, Colombias climate isstrictly related to thealtitude of the land and varies greatly from scratch to section. The tropical region of Colombia hasan average temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and are from sea directto three thousandfeet. This area is along the Pacific coast and in the eastern jungleregion. Regions ... ...uela and Colombia were united to formthe GreaterColombian coalition. Simon Bolivar was President. In 1830, theConfederation endedbecause Venezuela wanted independence.Today, Colombia is a parliamentary republic with chairpersonial electionsheld anyfour years. The congress holds sessions every year between July andcelestial latitude and consistsof 2 houses the Chamber of Deputies, which has 131 elected members,and the Senatewith 63 members. The President appoints cabinet members and cheifs ofadministrations. Colombia is divide into 23 departments, and the president appoints agoverner to head eachdepartment. Th e current president is Cesar Gaviria Trujillo.Colombias existence today is approximately 34,296,000. 95% of thesepeople are Roman Catholic. The capital, capital of Colombia has an estimated 4,921,00 people,and the secondlargest city, Cali, has 1,624,00 people. After Mexico and Brazil,Colombia is the third mostpopulolus country in Latin America.3 About one half of the populationtoday is mestizo, a variety of Indian and European descent.4 Europeans are about one one-fifthof the population,and and in that respect are some blacks, and about 400 Indian tribes. The Republic Of Colombia sample -- essays research papers The Republic of Colombia is the fourth largest country in SouthAmerica. It is locatedat the north-western tip of the continent. Its neighbors are Brazil andVenezuela to the east,Panama to the north-west, and Ecuador and Peru to the south. Colombiais the only SouthAmerican country thats coast is on the Pacific Ocean and the CaribbeanSea. There are eightis lands under Colombian rule, and they are San Andres, Providencia, SanBernado, Islas delRosario, Isla Fuerte, Gorgona, Gorgonilla, and Malpelo.Colombias terrain is about 45% mountainous. The major mountain chainis theAndes, which is the longest and second highest mountain chain in theworld. The are threemountain ranges in Colombia that form the Andes. These are known asCordilleras, whichmeans range. The Cordillera Occidental is 680 miles long and is about6,500 ft. high. Thisrange is on the western area that stretches from the equator to theCaribbean Sea. TheCordillera Oriental is the longest range, at 750 miles long, and 8,530ft. high and it cuts fromnorthern Colombia to southern Colombia. The Cordillera Central islocated in the center ofthe country and is 689 miles long and 10,827 ft. high making it thehighest cordillera. Thehighest mountain point in Colombia is the Sierra Nevada at 19,055 ft.high. There are lots ofvolcanoes in Colombia. The Cumbal is 17,500 ft. high, the Chiles is1 6,900 ft. high, thePurace is 17,060 ft. high, and the Pan de Azucar is 16,840 ft. high.The eastern region of Colombia is a grassy lowland. 1/6 of Colombia isuninhabited glacierland, and 1/5 is high plateau.Colombia has many rivers. The most important river is the Magdalenawhich is 965miles long and flows north to the Caribbean Sea. Others are the Meta,the Amazon, theGuaviare, and the Putamayo. There arent many lakes in Colombia. Thelargest lake inColombia is Lake Cocha and is not very important. If it wasnt for the Andes mountain location, Colombia would have anextremely highclimate since it is near the equator. However, Colombias climate isstrictly related to thealtitude of the land and varies greatly from section to section. Thehot region of Colombia hasan average temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and are from sea levelto three thousandfeet. This area is along the Pacific coast and in the eastern jungleregion. Regions ... ...uela and Colombia were united to formthe GreaterCol ombian Confederation. Simon Bolivar was President. In 1830, theConfederation endedbecause Venezuela wanted independence.Today, Colombia is a parliamentary republic with presidential electionsheld everyfour years. The congress holds sessions every year between July andDecember and consistsof two houses the Chamber of Deputies, which has 131 elected members,and the Senatewith 63 members. The President appoints cabinet members and cheifs ofadministrations. Colombia is divided into 23 departments, and the president appoints agoverner to head eachdepartment. The current president is Cesar Gaviria Trujillo.Colombias population today is approximately 34,296,000. 95% of thesepeople areRoman Catholic. The capital, Bogota has an estimated 4,921,00 people,and the secondlargest city, Cali, has 1,624,00 people. After Mexico and Brazil,Colombia is the third mostpopulolus country in Latin America.3 About one half of the populationtoday is mestizo, amixture of Indian and European descent.4 European s are about one fifthof the population,and and there are some blacks, and about 400 Indian tribes.
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