Saturday, March 9, 2019
Humans and Parasites
Parasites and homo Why Cant We All Just Get along? Introduction The definition of a parasite is an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, cognize as the host, from the trunk of which it obtains nutriwork forcet. (Dictionary. com,2012) in that respect atomic number 18 several kinds of parasitic relationships in the universe of discourse. Mutualism is one of them. This occurs when each(prenominal) member of the association benefits the other. Can humans and parasites nurse a mutualistic relationship in medicine? Dating back to the B. C. era it has been believed that parasites, close to ordinarily hemorrhagees and maggots, were the remediation for various maladies.Leeches at one duration were mind to bring to e rattlingthing from obesity to mental diabeticness. In the early 20th century in that location was no longer a need for parasites with the medical and technological advances we were making. Their popularity has begun to suppu invest since the 1980s and is seen to a greater extent often in medical practice. Thesis relation Some parasites, oer the course of history, go through prove to hold a symbiotic relationship with the human body in medical applications. earlier to the days that we think of as modern medicine, parasites were employ for umteen things in medical practice. One example is bleedes.The use of leeches in medicine started or so 2,000 B. C. with the Greek and Roman physicians. During the medieval epochs they were very prevalent in the household medicine cabinets as they were used on a rhythmical basis to treat many different ailments. (Jaffari, M. 2012) As modern medicine emerged parasites were viewed as a bad thing. Things we did not want in position us or around us. We discovered many ways to eradicate them from our bodies, hence also eradicating them from medicinal use. In more recent years testing is being done especially with the helminth (worm) species of parasites.These parasites argon being used to treat medical conditions such as ulcerative colitis, vascular diseases and allergies, mediocre to name a a couple of(prenominal), with very interesting results. Its beginning to take care as if humans and parasites in some applications can benefit apiece other after all. The use of parasites to treat ailments has been around for centuries. It is thought to succession back as far as the Stone Age. The first written reference of this was in a medical rime by Nicander of Colophon (185-135BC). This poem referenced leeching ( inventoryletting) in particular. It is believed that all ancient civilizations used pedigreeletting in their medical practice.In ancient Greece they believed in the Humoral Theory. This conjecture stated that the body was do up of iv humors these were blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile and you became ill because these humors were out of balance. The leeches were used to progress these humors in balance thus, keeping the perseverin g bring backthy. During the early nineteenth century in Europe it was not funny to find leeches in peoples medicine cabinets. The use of leeches during this time was very prevalent and they were believed to be almost a cure all. Bloodletting became so popular in Europe, that the commercial trade in leeches became a major industry.France during this era suffered such a shortage of leeches that they had to trade 41. 5 million of the parasites. Due to the extremely high demand for this product, the medicinal leech almost became extinct in Europe. When the turns being harvested from the dotty became insufficient, some countries started the practice of leech farming. (El-Awady, 2003) Leeches were not the only parasite that sure high acclaim for medical uses. The maggot has been cognise for its healing ability since the cardinalteenth century. In 1917, Dr. William S. Baer made an incredible observation while working as a physician during World War I.Two soldiers were brought into t he hospital, both having compound fractures to their femurs and very large displeases to the abdomen. It was discovered that these two soldiers had been wounded in battle cardinal days prior but because of the over growth in the celestial sphere the two men were over looked when the wounded were first recovered. At that time the mortality rate for people with compound fractures was as high as 85%, even with the best medical care. Despite the lack of sustenance and water, being uncovered to the elements during those seven days, and the severity of the wounds, the posit appoint that the men had no fever, and there was no evidence of sepsis.When their clothing was removed the doctor discovered that the wounds were filled with blow fly maggots. The maggots were washed from the injuries to find that the exposed get up and tissue were in perfect condition. Cultures were taken with very few bacterium still present. Ten years later Dr. Baer would use this theory on four children wi th osteomyelitis which is a disease causing inflammation of the bone and bone marrow usually caused by reoccurring bacterial infections. (Dictionary. com, 2012) All four children had had several surgeries for this, all of which had failed to heal.The doctor obtained maggots from his neighborhood and trying to copy most of the conditions that he observed with the soldiers he attempted his experiment. He used no chemical antibiotic drugs, no iodine to clean the area, surgery was done advertize handed and using only water. This way if the wound healed it would be strictly due to the maggots. Dr. Baer continued his sermon of maggot therapy to find that in six weeks the wounds these children suffered from had healed completely. In the spring of 1929 more cases were submitted using this form of treatment with the same results. (Baer, 1931)During the early to middle 20th century the technological and medical advances we had made took the mail of medieval medicine and along with it the use of parasites in medical practice. Maggots were removed from medicinal use in the 1930s. With the introduction of bare-assed antibiotics and better surgical techniques we found that we had a much better traveling bag of healing and inhibiting bacterial infections and we no longer required the use of maggots to heal open wounds. Although, in 1989 there were findings that maggot therapy was superior in certain cases to antibiotic therapy for eradicating a bacterial infection.The first modern clinical studies of maggot therapy were started at the Veterans personal matters Medical Center in Long Beach, CA, and at the University of California, Irvine. The results of these studies showed that the use of maggots straight off is still an effective and safe treatment for certain types of wounds. The reports also stated that there is no reason to use maggots as a expiry resort. There are published reports of a limb salvage rate of over 40% in pre-amputation maggot therapy. When this t herapy was used even earlier in the course of treatment the results were even more dramatic. Sherman, 2010) Leeches have always had their place in history as we have seen. Leech therapy was used up until the 1960s when it too was removed from medical practice. Bloodletting of sorts was taken over by modern day phlebotomy. So we again saw no need in using the old practices with the advances we had made. In the 1980s, leech therapy made a big comeback by plastic surgeons that used leeches to write venous congestion. If this congestion was not treated, the blood would clot and arteries that bring the blood and nourishments to the tissues would become plugged and the tissues would die.This is where the leech therapy would come in handy. Once they were use to the site, the leeches sucked the excess blood, which helped to reduce the ball in the tissues and promoted healing by allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to strain the area until design circulation could be restored. The leeches al so assisted in the healing by the secretion of an anticoagulant known as hirudin which would keep the blood in the area from clotting. The present day medical macrocosm is once more looking towards some parasites as very useful tools in certain areas of medical practice.The leechs saliva contains a bet of chemical compounds that are very useful in medicine. We already mentioned the anti-coagulant hirudin. This has been studied for use in helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes. The leech naturally secretes a local anesthetic that it uses when attaching to the host to avoid detection. This has proven helpful to lessen pain in some patients. Doctors and patients have seen the benefits of the vasodilative and a prostaglandin secreted by this parasite as it is known to reduce swelling in situations of inflammation.The leechs gut harbors a bacterium known as Aeromonan hydrophila which aids in its digestion of ingested blood and produces an antibiotic that vote outs other bacter ia that can cause tissue decomposition. The most present day uses for leech therapy are digital replants, skin grafting, hematomas, and some leeches are being raised specifically for pharmaceutical uses. Leech therapy is proving to be useful for a number of other conditions including osteoarthritis, ophthalmology and dermatology.As with any treatment there can be grimace effects. Leeching is no exception. A few of the side effects associated with leech therapy acknowledge infection, excess blood loss that may require blood transfusion, and sensitised reactions. Science has developed a clean leech which helps to lessen the number of bacterial infections. These are leeches specially raised to not carry the normal bacteria that regular leeches carry. As an alternative to real leeches, Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a mechanical leech.This invention mimics the action of the live leech allowing for fresh blood to flow through the wound. (El-Awady, 20 03) Maggots have also found their niche in todays medical world. These often thought of as icky parasites are used in some wound care applications. This therapy even has a name, maggot debridement therapy or MDT. Maggots are very expeditious healers of wounds as we have seen. The reason for this is that the maggots eat only the dead tissues and lend the healthy, living tissues intact. They also excrete compounds which inhibit and may even kill bacteria.This is extremely useful in areas where there is poor blood bestow these areas are unable to benefit from antibiotic therapy as it is unable to reach the required area in high enough concentrations to do what was intended. The most common uses for maggots today are wound debridement and diabetic foot ulcers. The side effect patients are most at risk for is bacterial infections. As with the leeches scientists are able to raise clean maggots, lowering the number of infections. much recently added to the list of helpful parasites has been the hookworm.These parasites live in your gut and blast on the nourishment that you take in. Hookworm infection is actually known to have a beneficial effect on health. There are published studies that show hookworms can lessen or even cure allergies such as inflammatory bowel disease, food allergies and even asthma attack. The saliva that the worms produce changes the immune system and keeps your body from overreacting to the substances that cause the allergies. (Sifferlin, 2012) There are several uses for hook worms being studied presently.These are ulcerative colitis, allergies and asthma control. Some of the outcomes have been very commanding. Because the worms feed from the same nutrients that you are pickings in the largest risk with hookworm infection is anemia. In third world countries this can be a devastating side effect but, in the western world there is less concern about this issue. terminus Parasitic mutualism occurs when each member of the association benefi ts the other. Our ancient ancestors seemed to have made good use of the human parasite relationship.As technology increase we turned from the old way of doing things and disregarded any use of parasites in medical practice. But, did our ancient ancestors know something that we are just now get-go to grasp once again? With the testing we are seeing more recently it seems that it is possible for these creepy crawlies that make us feel so squeamish could be very helpful to us and our health. Even with the positive results of the use of parasites in medicine there are still many mysteries regarding the symbiotic relationship between parasite and man.
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