
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

End of Year Speech Essay

Good evening every angiotensin converting enzyme. I hope everyone is having a true(p) age, and has eaten their fill. interest eat all the nourishment, weve spent a lot of money on that to be put to waste, and youll make the caterers note a lot easier (if the food is catered) Ladies please, help yourselves. Come on, its the abolish of the course, youll reserve a strong year ahead of you to start your dietanyway Vegas buffet rules harbor ladies and gentlemen, NO TAKEOUTS So please keep your Ziplocs where they argon. (of course parts same these are jokes and should be said well, as a joke). But seriously, good evening everyone and wel fill in to our year end dinner.It has been other successful year for us. Thanks mainly to the summer blockbuster protagonistes, in a sense, they did merely our lives, well, at least do our partnership earn more than money, give thanks also to the mom and dads that keep bringing their kids in our store, may they be blessed with more kids, and of course, kudos to all of you for helping make a nonher year a successful one. It has been a nonher triggermanic year for us, some(prenominal) for the toys that we have sold and our efforts to make our company better. First we were introduced to a besotted scientist turned super hero, who would have thought that the cousin of the tin-man would be a successful toy.Yes, straighten reveal homosexual is one of our most successful toys this year, if non all of all time. The fact that exhort Man is a robot,( well, technically a bionic suit, but thats how Iron Man is perceived) makes him overcome for a lot of modifications, and thus a lot of go through go into variants. Seven year old kids were just half of the market of Iron Man, toy collectors of all ages had a field day hoarding Iron Man toys from our store. Action figures sales have never been higher since the come back of comic book adaptations into the silver screen.Thank you Stan Lee You made a lot of toy companies s uch ourselves very happy, we hope for more new movies and sequels to your comic books. I hope I can tell apart the same to your reality show. Batmans appeal has non dropped, Batman Toys have virtually not stopped production since the franchise came to be way back. I think only X-men and Spider Man toys have achieved a similar feat, which makes Batman the most successful comic book hero without having any super powers. Spider Man was bitten by a intercommunicate active bug, and the X-Men are mutants.Batman is just a plain dude with a fancy belt, well, a dude that can kick all our butts in one passing. If I was a kid, I would definitely be a good boy (at least for a while) to get the latest Batman consummation figure. I bet if we just sold action figures of Batman or an evenly popular comic book superhero, we wouldnt go out of billet and windlessness keep the store. Thats how big these toys have become, and how big theyve been to our companys progress. What would be a hero wi thout an arch enemy? not only do the heroes need a bad guy to break down up, toy companies also need villains as a source of income.Chances are, when kids demoralise their action figures, they want something to tests its weapons on something, might as well be the actual enemy of the hero. The Joker has been the most popular action hero as of late, thanks to the films success and all these talks about the last on Heath Ledger, the actor that played Joker in the regretful Knight. This toy has suddenly become a limited edition because it is one of the last characters the actor has played before he died, for some reason, I dont think Mattel would buy the idea of making an action figure out of Brokeback Mountain, but thats just me, Ive seen freaky toys made it into production.Spider Man toys have been around almost as long as Batman toys, especially after the new Spider Man films came out. They did not leave our shelves even if the franchise has been on a temporary removal from th e silver screen for a while. Actually there have not been a major Spider Man film until the recent films and nevertheless Spider Man toys are one of our popular toys of all time After I thank the toys, sorry guys, they do come showtime you know, these toys pay our bills. I would like to thank the staff of our company for doing a job well do throughout the year. Our company would be nix if not for your efforts.Thank you for maintaining a harmonious behaveing environment and for retentiveness our customers happy, your service is oftentimes appreciated. Thank you also for an outstanding team deed in all departments. It is always good for any company to run low together as a team. much than working as a team, weve worked together, and treated each other as family. Im not saying exactly who the mom and dads are, lets just say we are all the children of the company okay? Special thanks to the trade people for actively promoting our products to the buying public.They managed to take our toys to kids who, for some reason did not go to the toy store with a particular toy in mind. Their persuasive skills have managed to squeeze some extra cash out of mommy and daddy to spend on their kids toys. Now, if they can only sell our (name unpopular toy) we would give them a big fat raise On a serious note, thank you guys for a job well done and keep up the good work, well talk about that raise pass out later okay? (of course with still a sense of candidness) This society would not have been possible if had not worked hard last year.So if you guys still want the free food, we have to do just as well next year or even better. Either way, we would still have a party for sure, but our party would definitely much better if we raise our bar even just a little. So I encourage everyone to work just as hard or even harder this coming year and I promise you, our hard work would be rewarded if we have good sales next year. Incentives and other privileges would be available for us if we exceed what is expected of us, so lets keep it up guys The boss expects nothing less than what has already been completed this year.I know we have done a good job this year but why aim for good when we can do better? The boss expects for exciting and new ideas from our staff, especially from the marketing department. codt be afraid to pitch in ideas even if you are not from the marketing department or if you think your ideas are too crazy. We all love new ideas. Again, thank you everyone for being part of this end of the year party and for a job well done this year. More fruitful years to come for our company Cheers, and enjoy the rest of the evening. permits give a hand to ourselves Thank you.

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