
Monday, March 11, 2019

Persuasive Study: Why We Vote Essay

the States has been the land of the free and the home of the brave since 1776. the States has been free from the monarchy of owing(p) Britain. Over 200 years later, the Statesn citizens still fight for exemption and to uphold a strong democracy. Voting is important in America because the opinions and the results of takers reflect Americas morals and ethic, and the right to vote is a privilege. Also, every vote counts. Because America has the opportunity to vote, the over wholly view of America is non formed of what she truly is, scarce what the citizens are. What a persons character is consists of what their values and beliefs are. When voting is accessible, those who do vote, vote for what represents them most accurately. If the voters beginnert vote, the tho representation of this country is of those who did vote.America is one of the only countries that have the freedom to vote with a democracy government in the world. Many countries do not have an option of whether or not t hey wish to vote. Monarchies or dictatorships, for example, have one ruler that enforces and makes all the laws and rules of that limited country the citizens do not have a say roughly what they think is wrong or right. Because America has the opportunity to vote, the privilege should be expressed as much as possible.With the dilemma of not all citizens voting, the democracy can be far from a success. Those citizens that do vote present strong patriotism. Although patriotism is a praised emotion, not all nationalistic people have the same ideas for this country. For example, a recent controversy is the problems with abortion. If majority of citizens that vote are not against abortion but a a couple of(prenominal) others are against voting, they will lose all possibilities of opposing abortion exclusively because they gave up.Ever since 1776, America has been a democracy and a free country. Having a government that is a democracy, the right to vote accompanies it. Voting is cru cial to the governing body of democracy for various reasons the laws and representatives exemplify not only the government but the whole country, voting can be taken for granted and should be appreciated more, and if a citizen does not vote, they have no say in what happens in this country.

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